about us
We are Covenant Community Church, an open and progressive community seeking to participate in God’s Kin-dom by following the Way of Christ in Intentional Communities.
Mission Statement
We aspire to be a community of radical welcome and inclusion. We invite individuals to come as they are, showing up with authenticity, bringing their questions, quirks, and gifts. While we are a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation, our community includes folks who have varied relationships with institutional church. Our community emphasizes belonging over believing. We value community and how we treat each other as the most authentic way to live into our Christian faith.
Core Values
We follow in the Way of Jesus Christ who inspires us to work toward liberation in the world.
We see scripture as “God inspired”. We follow it with critical questions, study and the “rule of love”.
We affirm and celebrate LGBTQIA+ identities.
We work toward liberation and seek to dismantle oppression in its many forms.
We worship rooted in the Reformed tradition and creatively make it relevant for our time.
We gather in community doing the inward and outward spiritual work that’s all part of building God’s liberating kin-dom.
There are many ways you can give to help support us. Donate here to give financially. We are so grateful for your generosity. You are helping us follow the ways we hear the Spirit calling.